The brand was born and established on the incredible island of Bali in the Summer of 2015. The concept of Malamadre started when Dirk Goetz decided to drive a real motorbike instead of a scooter around the island. He spent subsequent days exploring the internet for inspiration, sketching and drawing possible designs of motorcycles.

After a while he finally made up his mind – he wanted to start modifying motorcycles and start his own brand.

With his wife, Elo, and some friends of theirs, they all decided on a name, designed a logo and created a brand! Half of the job was done, but the essence was missing… The First MM Motorcycle. Dirk managed to source a Suzuki Thunder 250cc from 2002 with 20.000km on it – he really wanted to modify it into a Brat style, with a classic and vintage look. So, he went and created the first Malamadre Motorcycle (MMl), at his close friend’s garage.

One day, he was riding on the MMI and stopped at a supermarket. When coming back to his bike, a man was staring at it. He started to say how amazed he was with the motorcycle, asked who built it and where he could get one from! So, Dirk, of course, said that he could also build one for him. This was the first MM customer.

From then on, the brand grew exponentially, from word of mouth to people just seeing the unique bikes out on the roads MM became a well-known and we-renowned custom motorcycle business, not only in Bali but worldwide.

With all the buzz around the brand, the MM Shop and Garage opened in September 2015. At the headquarters in Canggu, the custom motorcycle creations are constantly on display, and Dirk and MM family are there to receive you.

What does MalaMadre stand for?

The word Malamadre comes from both the world of plants and humans! Malamadre is a unique wild plant (also known as Spider plant) that grows mainly in the deserts of Central America. It is strong, elegant and robust, as well as having healing properties. In relation to humans, Malamadre translates as “bad mother” in Spanish! Malamadre is also the main character in a Spanish movie called Celda 211 – he is passionate, intelligent, charismatic and a true badass.

If you combine all the qualities that derive from the word, we believe that incorporates what Malamadre is and stands for. We are a unique, badass and strong brand that creates robust, charismatic bikes, that could almost have healing properties!


Since our establishment in 2015, we have customised nearly 150 motorcycles. We have worked with the most renowned brands in the Industry like Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Harley-Davidson, KTM and Kawasaki.

We have worked with motorcycles from 200cc to 1200cc and exported to various cities around the world like New York, Sidney, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Belfast.So far in 2019, every month we have been producing two custom motorcycles from our garage.

We also now have 12 employees in the Malamadre family and three Locations, two in Bali and one in Lombok. Looking towards the future, we have our brains ticking about producing bikes that will be eco-friendlier, so watch this space.